Visual Configuration Explorer Headless Automation Runtime The VCE Headless Automation Runtime provides the ablity to drive VCE function from the command line without requiring the Graphical User Interface. Most of VCE's functions can be driven via customized ANT scripts and results are persisted in xml files. Note that in order to run the Automation Runtime, depending on the IBM Support Assistant level, the following Java minimum requirements must be observed - IBM Support Assistant v4.0 - Java version 1.4.2 IBM Support Assistant v4.1 - Java version 1.5 Note that since there are no User Interface components, the runtime should execute on any Operating System that supports the required version of Java. Creating and installing the Headless Automation Runtime The Headless Automation Runtime must first be created before it can be installed. To create the runtime, open up the VCE preferences panel at /File->Preferences->Visual Configuration Explorer/, then select the /Utilities /tab. You will need to specify a directory where you wish the runtime to be created, then simply select the Headless Automation Runtime from the list and click "/Deploy/". After a few minutes, you will find a a zip file and a readme with further instructions. Installation involves simply copying and unzipping the zip file to a target server/directory of your choosing. A "vce" subdirectory will be created from which you can launch your tasks. You will also find an empty "vce\startup" directory. This directory is for storing any rules, filters, and templates files that may be required for your environment. Files found in this directory will be automatically loaded at runtime and artifacts defined within may then be used by automation tasks. *NOTE: The Headless Automation Runtime shares all of it's code with the core VCE component, so in order to pick up changes, it is strongly recommended that the Headless Automation Runtime be rebuilt and redeployed with each release of VCE.* Running the provided automation-example.xml sample script An example VCE automation script, automation-example.xml, has been provided to get you started. The example does the following: 1. Drives the WebSphere Configuration Exporter against the WebSphere installation specified by property "was.root". 2. Creates a new VCE workspace. 3. Loads the exported WebSphere configuration into the workspace. 4. Exports the entire WebSphere configuration to a single XML file. 5. Creates a topology diagram in the workspace of all the Application Server instances present in the configuration. 6. Validates the entire WebSphere configuration. 7. Saves the VCE workspace. To drive the example script, issue the following command: /java -jar startup.jar -buildfile automation-example.xml -Dwas.root="WAS_INSTALL_DIR"/ For help on the example script, type: /java -jar startup.jar -buildfile automation-example.xml -projecthelp/ The example automation script will generate several output files named "example.*" in the current directory, one for each task executed. The default workspace that is created, /example.vce/, may be opened using Visual Configuration Explorer. More information Automating Visual Configuration Explorer Functions Visual Configuration Explorer Ant Tasks Visual Configuration Explorer Ant Types Visual Configuration Explorer Automation Examples MQ Configuration Exporter DB2 Configuration Exporter WebSphere Configuration Exporter Portal Configuration Exporter