IBM Visual Configuration Explorer Headless Automation Runtime ============================================================= The VCE Headless Automation Runtime provides the ablity to drive VCE function from the command line without requiring the Graphical User Interface. Most of VCE's functions can be driven via customized ANT scripts and results are persisted in xml files. Note that in order to run the Automation Runtime, depending on the IBM Support Assistant level, the following Java minimum requirements must be observed - IBM Support Assistant v4.0 - Java version 1.4.2 IBM Support Assistant v4.1 - Java version 1.5 Note that since there are no User Interface components, the runtime should execute on any Operating System that supports the required version of Java. To install the VCE Automation Runtime, simply unzip the VCE Automation Runtime archive into a directory of your choosing. For non-Windows systems, please make sure to set mode of the directory to 775. A "vce" subdirectory will be created from which you can launch your operations. You will also find an empty "vce\startup" directory. This directory is for storing any rules, filters, and templates files that may be required for your environment. Files found in this directory will be automatically loaded at runtime and artifacts defined within may then be used by automation tasks. For more information about the VCE Headless Automation Runtime, please refer to the built-in help of the VCE, or open help.html in a browser. Running the provided automation-example.xml sample script ========================================================= An example VCE automation script, automation-example.xml, has been provided to get you started. The example does the following: 1.) Drives the WebSphere Configuration Exporter against the WebSphere installation specified by property "was.root". 2.) Creates a new VCE workspace 3.) Loads the exported WebSphere configuration into the workspace. 4.) Exports the entire WebSphere configuration to a single XML file. 5.) Creates a topology diagram in the workspace of all the Application Server instances present in the configuration. 6.) Validates the entire WebSphere configuration. 7.) Saves the VCE workspace. To drive this example script, issue the following command: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile automation-example.xml -Dwas.root="WAS_DIR" For help on the example script, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile automation-example.xml -projecthelp This example script will generate several output files name "example.*" in the current directory. Information for MQ Configuration Exporter ========================================= The MQ Configuration Exporter has been installed in the "mqexporter" subdirectory. To run the exporter, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile mqexporter/mqexport.xml [options] For help on mqexport options, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile mqexporter/mqsexport.xml -projecthelp The mq-automation-example.xml has been provided to show collection of WebSphere MQ topology in combination with other Visual Configuration Explorer tasks. The example does the following: 1.) Checks for valid MQ root 2.) Runs saveqmgr on all queue managers 3.) Generates a version.txt including the version of the WebSphere MQ installation 3.) Produces services,,, and files 4.) Creates a new VCE workspace 5.) Loads the exported MQ configuration into the workspace. 6.) Saves the VCE workspace. To run this example script, fill in appropriate values in its init_props target, and issue the following command: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile mq-automation-example.xml This example script will generate a VCE workspace file, mqtest.vce, in the current directory; the workspace will include a provider created from the mqexporter/output/mqconfig directory. Information for DB2 Configuration Exporter ========================================== The DB2 Configuration Exporter has been installed in the "db2exporter" subdirectory. To run the exporter, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile db2exporter/db2export.xml [options] For help on db2export options, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile db2exporter/db2export.xml -projecthelp The db2-automation-example.xml has been provided to show collection of DB2 topology in combination with other Visual Configuration Explorer tasks. The example does the following: 1.) Checks for valid DB2 root 2.) Runs db2support on all (or the specified) databases in in the specified instance 3.) Produces services,,, and files 4.) Creates a new VCE workspace 5.) Loads the exported DB2 configuration into the workspace. 6.) Saves the VCE workspace. To run this example script, fill in appropriate values in its init_props target, and issue the following command: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile db2-automation-example.xml This example script will generate a VCE workspace file, db2test.vce, in the current directory; the workspace will include a provider created from the db2exporter/output/db2support-collections directory. Information for WebSphere Configuration Exporter ================================================ The Websphere Configuration Exporter has been installed in the "wasexporter" subdirectory. To run the exporter, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile wasexporter/wasexport.xml [options] For help on wasexport options, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile wasexporter/wasexport.xml -projecthelp Information for Portal Configuration Exporter ============================================= The Portal Configuration Exporter has been installed in the "portalexporter" subdirectory. To run the exporter, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile portalexporter/portalexport.xml [options] For help on portalexport options, type: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile portalexporter/portalexport.xml -projecthelp The portal-automation-example.xml file has been provided to show collection of WebSphere Portal Server topology in combination with other Visual Configuration Explorer tasks. The example does the following: 1.) Checks for valid WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Portal Server roots 2.) Starts the WebSphere Application Server server defined for portal if necessary 3.) Runs xmlaccess on the WebSphere Application Server server defined for portal in order to collect configuration information 4.) Stops the WebSphere Application Server server defined for portal if it was initially stopped 4.) Produces file 5.) Collects additional files from portal installation 6.) Creates a new VCE workspace 7.) Loads the exported portal configuration into the workspace. 8.) Saves the VCE workspace. To run this example script, fill in appropriate values in its init_props target, and issue the following command: java -jar startup.jar -buildfile portal-automation-examples.xml This example script will generate a VCE workspace file, portaltest.vce, in the current directory; the workspace will include a provider created from the portalexporter/output/portal-info directory.