#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # File Name: check_was.py # Purpose: Display user requested information about # WebSphere Application Server (WSAS) resources. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Command: %(cmdName)s\n Purpose: wsadmin script used to display user specified information about WebSphere Application Server resources.\n Version: %(version)s Updated: %(updated)s\n Usage: %(cmdName)s [options]\n Required switches/options: -i | --info = Type of information being requested -s | --serverName = Target serverName\n Optional switches/options: -n | --nodeName = Target nodeName\n Information types/values: connectionpool - Display Connection Pool details heapsize - Display Heap Size details threadpool - Display Thread Pool details sessions - Display Session Details\n Notes: - Long form option values may be separated/delimited from their associated identifier using either a space, or an equal sign ('=').\n - Short form option values may be sepearated from their associated letter using an optional space.\n - Text containing blanks must be enclosed in double quotes.\n Examples: wsadmin -f %(cmdName)s.py -i heapsize -s server1 -n node01\n''' import os, re, sys, getopt; if 'Help' not in dir() : try : import Help; except : print 'Required module "Help" unavailable.'; sys.exit(); __scriptName__ = 'check_was'; __version__ = '0.10'; __updated__ = '09 Sept 2010'; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: beanNameAsDict() # Role: Parse the specified MBean and return a dictionary of the name # value pairs #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def beanNameAsDict( bean ) : 'beanNameAsDict() - Parse the specified MBean and return a dictionary of the name value pairs' result = {}; for pair in bean.split( ':', 1 )[ 1 ].split( ',' ) : n, v = pair.split( '=', 1 ); result[ n ] = v; return result; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: callerName # Role: Utility routine used to determine, and return the name of the # calling function. # Note: Dependends on sys._getframe() # See: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66062/ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def callerName() : "callerName() - Returns the name of the calling routine (or '?')" return sys._getframe( 1 ).f_code.co_name; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: configurable() # Role: Return true (1) if AdminConfig object is available, false (0) otherwise #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def configurable() : 'configurable() - Return true (1) if AdminConfig object is available, false (0) otherwise' try : host = AdminConfig.list( 'Server' ); result = 1; # True = AdminConfig object is available except : result = 0; # False = AdminConfig object not available return result; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: configIdAsDict # Role: Parse a config ID and return a dictionary of name/value pairs # Note: Exception handler requires sys module # The keys in the returned dictionary come from the configID, so # are unlikely to match your defect expectations about exactly # what values are used (e.g., 'nodes' instead of "Node") #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def configIdAsDict( configId ) : 'configIdAsDict( configId ) - Given a configID, return a dictionary of the name/value components.' funName = callerName(); # Name of this function result = {}; # Result is a dictionary hier = []; # Initialize to simplifiy checks try : # Be prepared for an error #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Does the specified configID match our RegExp pattern? # Note: mo == Match Object, if mo != None, a match was found #----------------------------------------------------------------- if ( configId[ 0 ] == '"' ) and ( configId[ -1 ] == '"' ) and ( configId.count( '"' ) == 2 ) : configId = configId[ 1:-1 ]; mo = re.compile( r'^([\w ]+)\(([^|]+)\|[^)]+\)$' ).match( configId ); if mo : Name = mo.group( 1 ); hier = mo.group( 2 ).split( '/' ); if mo and ( len( hier ) % 2 == 0 ) : #--------------------------------------------------------------- # hier == Extracted config hierarchy string #--------------------------------------------------------------- for i in range( 0, len( hier ), 2 ) : ( name, value ) = hier[ i ], hier[ i + 1 ]; result[ name ] = value; if result.has_key( 'Name' ) : print '''%s: Unexpected situation - "Name" attribute conflict, Name = "%s", Name prefix ignored: "%s"''' % ( funName, result[ 'Name' ], Name ); else : result[ 'Name' ] = Name; else : print '''%(funName)s: Warning: The specified configId doesn\'t match the expected pattern, and is ignored. configId: "%(configId)s"''' % locals(); except : ( kind, value ) = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; print '''%(funName)s: Unexpected exception.\n Exception type: %(kind)s Exception value: %(value)s''' % locals(); return result; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: connectionpool() # Role: Display information about the WebContainer connectionpool for # the specified server #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def connectionpool( serverID ) : 'connectionpool() - Display info about the connectionpools for the specified server' funName = callerName(); # Name of this function result = {}; # Build a dictionary of ConnectionPool information #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify that we have accessibility to the AdminConfig object #------------------------------------------------------------------- try : import AdminConfig; except : Type, value = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; Type, value = str( Type ), str( value ); print '''%(funName)s: Unexpected exception.\n Exception type: %(kind)s Exception value: %(value)s''' % locals(); sys.exit(); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each configured ConnectionPool in the specified server... #------------------------------------------------------------------- headings = 'agedTimeout,connectionTimeout,maxConnections,minConnections,purgePolicy,reapTime,unusedTimeout'.split( ',' ); bar, plus, head, hr = ( '', ) * 4; for ch in headings : head += bar + ' ' + ch + ' '; hr += plus + '-' + ( '-' * len( ch ) ) + '-'; bar, plus = '|', '+'; print '%s\n%s' % ( head, hr ); for cp in AdminConfig.list( 'ConnectionPool', serverID ).splitlines() : cpD = {}; # ConnectionPool Dictionary try : cpD = showAsDict( cp ); # MBean attributes # print 'ConnectionPool attributes:' # print '-' * 50; # displayDict( cpD ); # print '-' * 50; bar, line = '', ''; for h in headings : line += bar + ' ' + cpD[ h ].center( len( h ) ) + ' '; bar = '|'; print line; except : Type, value = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; Type, value = str( Type ), str( value ); print '''%(funName)s: Unexpected exception.\n Exception type: %(Type)s Exception value: %(value)s\n Processing: %(cp)s''' % locals(); sys.exit(); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: displayDict # Role: To display the contents of a dictionary in a more readable format # History: # when ver who what # -------- --- --- ------------------------------------------ # 10/05/28 0.5 rag fix - Need to check string len before accessing [ 0 ] ... # 10/05/13 0.4 rag fix - Add code to handle double quoted "list" values # 10/05/12 0.3 rag fix - Add try / except in case dict.keys() doesn't exist # add - New code to display "list" values better # 10/04/08 0.2 rag Fix - Handle "empty" dictionary # 09/11/14 0.1 rag Fix - Add optional width parm for key values # 09/04/07 0.0 rag New - Based upon work for the book #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def displayDict( dict, width = None ) : 'displayDict( dict, width = None ) - Display dictionary contents in key name order' try : names = dict.keys(); names.sort(); if dict : if not width : width = max( [ len( x ) for x in names ] ); for name in names : value = dict[ name ]; if len( value ) > 0 and value[ 0 ] == '[' and value[ -1 ] == ']' and value.count( ' ' ) > 0 : print '%*s : [' % ( width, name ); #----------------------------------------------------------- # Special case: Check for double quoted items. # e.g., Config IDs containing embedded blanks. #----------------------------------------------------------- if value.find( '"' ) < 0 : for item in value[ 1:-1 ].split( ' ' ) : print '%*s %s' % ( width, ' ', item ); else : value = value[ 1:-1 ]; # Remove brackets '[' & ']' while value : # As long as data remains... if value[ 0 ] == '"' : # Is this item double quoted? item, value = value[ 1: ].split( '"', 1 ); value = value.lstrip();# Discard any leading blanks else : # Leading item isn't quoted item, value = value.split( ' ', 1 ); print '%*s %s' % ( width, ' ', item ); print '%*s ]' % ( width, ' ' ); else : print '%*s : %s' % ( width, name, value ); except : Type, value = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; print '%s() exception:\n type: %s\n value: %s' % ( callerName(), str( Type ), str( value ) ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: heapsize() # Role: Display information about the heap for the specified server #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def heapsize( configID ) : 'heapsize() - Display used and free stats for the JVM of the specified server' cDict = configIdAsDict( configID ); jvm = AdminControl.queryNames( 'type=JVM,process=%(servers)s,node=%(nodes)s,*' % cDict ); if jvm : used = AdminControl.getAttribute( jvm, 'heapSize' ); free = AdminControl.getAttribute( jvm, 'freeMemory' ); total = int( used ) + int( free ); percent = float( used ) * 100.0 / float( total ); print 'heapsize: node=%s server=%s used=%.1f MB (%.2f%%) free=%.1f MB' % ( cDict[ 'nodes' ], cDict[ 'servers' ], MB( used ), percent, MB( free ) ); else : print 'Specified server does not appear to be active: node=%(nodes)s server=%(servers)s' % cDict; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: localMode() # Role: Return true (1) if AdminControl object is unavailable, false # (0) otherwise. # Note: In localmode (i.e., -conntype none), this returns true (1) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def localMode() : 'localMode() - Return true (1) if AdminControl object is unavailable, false (0) otherwise' try : host = AdminControl.getCell(); result = 0; # No, we're connected except : result = 1; # Yes, --contype none return result; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: main() # Role: Perform the actual work of the script #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def main( cmdName = None ) : missingParms = '%(cmdName)s: Insufficient parameters provided.\n'; ambigServer = '%(cmdName)s: Ambiguous server specified: %(serverName)s\n'; badReqdParam = '%(cmdName)s: Invalid required parameter: %(key)s\n'; badInfo = '%(cmdName)s: As yet unimplemented "info" request: %(info)s\n'; badNode = '%(cmdName)s: Unknown node: %(nodeName)s\n'; badServer = '%(cmdName)s: Unknown server: %(serverName)s\n'; serverReqd = '%(cmdName)s: Missing required parameter: "serverName".\n'; if not cmdName : cmdName = __scriptName__; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # How many user command line parameters were specified? #------------------------------------------------------------------- argc = len( sys.argv ); # Number of arguments if ( argc < 2 ) : # If too few are present, print missingParms % locals(); # tell the user, and Usage( cmdName ); # provide the Usage info else : # otherwise Opts = parseOpts( cmdName ); # parse the command line #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assign values from the user Options dictionary, to make value # access simplier, and easier. For example, instead of using: # Opts[ 'nodeName' ] # we will be able to simply use: # nodeName # to access the value. #------------------------------------------------------------------- for key in Opts.keys() : val = Opts[ key ]; cmd = '%s=Opts["%s"]' % ( key, key ); # print cmd; exec( cmd ); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check required parameters #------------------------------------------------------------------- if info not in [ 'heapsize', 'sessions', 'connectionpool', 'threadpool' ] : print badInfo % locals(); Usage( cmdName ); if not serverName : print serverReqd % locals(); Usage( cmdName ); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Was the nodeName specified, and if so, does it exist? #------------------------------------------------------------------- node = None; if nodeName : for nid in AdminConfig.list( 'Node' ).splitlines() : if nid.startswith( nodeName + '(' ) : node = nid; if not node : print badNode % locals(); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Does the specified serverName exist (within the scope of the # specified node)? # Note: A scope of None is identical to not specifying a scope #------------------------------------------------------------------- servers = []; for sid in AdminConfig.list( 'Server', node ).splitlines() : if sid.startswith( serverName + '(' ) : servers.append( sid ); if len( servers ) < 1 : print badServer % locals(); sys.exit(); elif len( servers ) > 1 : print ambigServer % locals(); nodes = []; for sid in servers : nodes.append( configIdAsDict( sid )[ 'nodes' ] ); print 'Specify one of the following nodes using the --nodeName option: ' + ( ', '.join( nodes ) ); sys.exit(); server = servers[ 0 ]; # print 'Request for %s on %s' % ( info, server ); if info == 'heapsize' : heapsize( server ); elif info == 'threadpool' : threadpool( server ); elif info == 'connectionpool' : connectionpool( server ); else : print 'Not yet implemented: "%s"' % info #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: MB() # Role: Convert the specified (integer) value [bytes] into MegaBytes #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def MB( val ) : 'MB() - Convert specified integer (byte) value into MegaBytes' return int( val ) / ( 1024.0 * 1024.0 ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: MBattrAsDict # Role: Utility routine used to return a dictionary of attributes for # the specified mbean # Note: Depends upon availability of WSAS Admin Objects via sys.modules # History: # when ver who what # -------- --- --- --------------------------------------------------- # 09/11/10 0.1 rag Add - Add 'Modifiable' value to result # 09/04/08 0.0 rag New - insight obtained while writing the book #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def MBattrAsDict( mbean ) : "MBattrAsDict( mbean ) - Given an MBean string, return a dictionary of it's attributes." funName = callerName(); # Name of this function result = {}; # Result is a dictionary #------------------------------------------------------------------- # The first line of Help.attributes() result contains the "column # headings", not values, and is ignored by slicing using [ 1: ]. # For each valid attribute, we use the name to get the value #------------------------------------------------------------------- try : # Be prepared for an error attr = Help.attributes( mbean ).splitlines()[ 1: ]; for att in attr : name = att.split( ' ', 1 )[ 0 ]; # Everything ahead of 1st space #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Unfortunately, for some attribute names, an attempt to # getAttribute() will cause an exception, these we ignore. #--------------------------------------------------------------- try : result[ name ] = AdminControl.getAttribute( mbean, name ); except : pass; #----------------------------------------------------------------- # After all available attributes have been retrieved, see if one # name "Modifiable" exists. If it does, we have a problem, which # needs to be reported. # Otherwise, use list comprehension to locate those attributes # that are specified as "Read-Write". Put all of these attribute # names into a list, and save it as result[ 'Modifiable' ]. #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: Specifying x.split( ' ', 1 )[ 0 ] means that a maximum of # 1 split will occur (i.e., strings will be created), and # only the first (i.e., the leading non-blank characters) # will be returned. #----------------------------------------------------------------- if result.has_key( 'Modifiable' ) : print '%(funName)s: "Modifiable" attribute already exists, and not replace.' % locals(); else : result[ 'Modifiable' ] = [ x.split( ' ', 1 )[ 0 ] for x in attr if x.endswith( 'RW' ) ]; except : notavail = 'AdminControl service not available'; #----------------------------------------------------------------- # One likely source of errors is that an invalid MBean was # provided, in which case an empty dictionary is returned. #----------------------------------------------------------------- ( kind, value ) = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; ( kind, value ) = str( kind ), str( value ); if value.endswith( notavail ) : if 'AdminTask' in sys.modules.keys() : print '%(funName)s "%(notavail)s": Was wsadmin started with "-conntype none"?' % locals(); else : print '%(funName)s "%(notavail)s": wsadmin isn\'t connected to a server.' % locals(); elif value.find( 'WASX7025E' ) > -1 : print '%(funName)s: Invalid mbean identifier: %(mbean)s' % locals(); else : print 'Exception type: ' + kind; print 'Exception value: ' + value; return result; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: parseOpts() # Role: Process the user specified (command line) options #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseOpts( cmdName ) : shortForm = 'i:n:s:'; longForm = 'info=,nodeName=,serverName='.split( ',' ); badOpt = '%(cmdName)s: Unknown/unrecognized parameter%(plural)s: %(argStr)s\n'; optErr = '%(cmdName)s: Error encountered processing: %(argStr)s\n'; problem = '%(cmdName)s: Error option processing problem: %(opt)s\n'; try : opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv, shortForm, longForm ); except getopt.GetoptError : argStr = ' '.join( sys.argv ); print optErr % locals(); Usage( cmdName ); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the Opts dictionary using the longForm key identifiers #------------------------------------------------------------------- Opts = {}; for name in longForm : if name[ -1 ] == '=' : name = name[ :-1 ] Opts[ name ] = None; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process the list of options returned by getopt() #------------------------------------------------------------------- for opt, val in opts : if opt in ( '-i', '--info' ) : Opts[ 'info' ] = val elif opt in ( '-n', '--nodeName' ) : Opts[ 'nodeName' ] = val elif opt in ( '-s', '--serverName' ) : Opts[ 'serverName' ] = val else : print problem % locals(); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for unhandled/unrecognized options #------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( args != [] ) : # If any unhandled parms exist => error argStr = ' '.join( args ); plural = ''; if ( len( args ) > 1 ) : plural = 's'; print badOpt % locals(); Usage( cmdName ); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a dictionary of the user specified command line options #------------------------------------------------------------------- return Opts; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: showAsDict # Role: Convert result of AdminConfig.show( configID ) to a dictionary # Note: Depends upon availability of WSAS Admin Objects via sys.modules # History: # when ver who what # -------- --- --- ------------------------------------------ # 09/08/08 0.1 rag Fix - remove quotes of value # 08/09/06 0.0 rag New - Based upon work down for IMPACT 2008 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def showAsDict( configId ) : 'showAsDict( configId ) - Return a dictionary of the AdminConfig.show( configID ) result.' result = {}; try : import AdminConfig; # Get access to WSAS objects #----------------------------------------------------------------- # The result of the AdminConfig.show() should be a string # containing many lines. Each line of which starts and ends # with brackets. The "name" portion should be separated from the # associated value by a space. #----------------------------------------------------------------- for item in AdminConfig.show( configId ).splitlines() : if ( item[ 0 ] == '[' ) and ( item[ -1 ] == ']' ) : ( key, value ) = item[ 1:-1 ].split( ' ', 1 ); if ( value[ 0 ] == '"' ) and ( value[ -1 ] == '"' ) : value = value[ 1:-1 ]; result[ key ] = value; except NameError, e : print 'Name not found: ' + str( e ); except : ( kind, value ) = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; print 'Exception type: ' + str( kind ); print 'Exception value: ' + str( value ); return result; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: threadpool() # Role: Display information about the WebContainer threadpool for the # specified server #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def threadpool( serverID ) : 'threadpool() - Display info about the threadpools for the specified server' result = {}; # Build a dictionary of ThreadPool information #------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each configured ThreadPool in the specified server... #------------------------------------------------------------------- for tp in AdminConfig.list( 'ThreadPool', serverID ).splitlines() : mb = AdminConfig.getObjectName( tp ); # Is it "active"? tpD = {}; # ThreadPool Dictionary info = {}; # Informational Dictionary #----------------------------------------------------------------- # if an active ThreadPool MBean exists... #----------------------------------------------------------------- if mb : try : tpD = MBattrAsDict( mb ); # MBean attributes # print 'Thread Pool MBean attributes:' # print '-' * 50; # displayDict( tpD ); # print '-' * 50; stats = tpD[ 'stats' ]; # We need the stats part start = stats.find( '{' ); # ... data is between { } fini = stats.rfind( '}' ); # text = stats[ start + 1 : fini ].strip(); for item in text.split( ', ' ) : # name=value, name=value... name, value = item.split( '=' ); # get the name & value info[ name ] = value; # put them into info{} except : Type, value = sys.exc_info()[ :2 ]; print 'Exception: %s\n value: %s' % ( `Type`, `value` ); print 'Processing:\n', AdminControl.getAttributes( mb ); sys.exit(); result[ tp ] = { 'MBean' : mb, 'attr' : tpD, 'stats' : info }; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # result dictionary is indexed by ThreadPool configuration IDs #------------------------------------------------------------------- ids = result.keys(); ids.sort(); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the name attribute for each ThreadPool config ID #------------------------------------------------------------------- names = [ AdminConfig.showAttribute( x, 'name' ) for x in ids ]; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the widest & display the table headings #------------------------------------------------------------------- width = max( [ len( x ) for x in names ] ); print '%*s | Low High' % ( width, '' ); print '%*s | Water Water Lower Upper Current' % ( width, '' ); print '%*s | integral Mark Mark Bound Bound Usage Ratio' % ( width, 'Name' ); print '%s-+-%s' % ( '-' * width, '-' * 52 ); #------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each active ThreadPool resource, display the stats details... #------------------------------------------------------------------- for i in range( len( names ) ) : id = ids[ i ]; mb = result[ id ][ 'MBean' ]; if mb : print '%*s |' % ( width, names[ i ] ), stats = result[ id ][ 'stats' ]; print '%(integral)8.1f %(lowWaterMark)4d %(highWaterMark)6d %(lowerBound)6d %(upperBound)6d %(current)6d' % stats, print '%9.2f%%' % ( float( stats[ 'current' ] ) * 100.0 / float( stats[ 'highWaterMark' ] ) ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Usage() # Role: Display usage information necessary to use this script. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def Usage( cmdName = None ) : if not cmdName : cmdName = __scriptName__; version, updated = __version__, __updated__; print __doc__ % locals(); # Script docstring contains usage info sys.exit(); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code execution begins #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( __name__ == '__main__' ) or ( __name__ == 'main' ) : if localMode() : print 'A connection to WebSphere Application Server is required.\n'; Usage(); elif configurable() : main(); else : print 'WebSphere Application Server scripting objects appear to be unavailable.\n'; Usage(); else : print 'This script should be executed, not imported.\n'; Usage( __name__ );