Installing & Configuring Oracle grid Agent (UNIX Standalone/Clustered Install)

Posted By Sagar Patil
  1. Download Software and upload zip at server. You will need else base release before you upgrade to 10.2.03/
  2. You will also need an X windows environment like cygwin installed on your desktop for remote install.  You can also carry a silent install with no X windows interface.
  3. Let’s setup cygwin on client window machine

Goto c:\cygwin folder and fire Cygwin.bat . At $ prompt enter “startx”

You will receive a new window like below. Now enter “xhost + <hostname/IP address>” to allow server connection.

I entered “xhost +” to allow connection from any machine

Start Command Prompt on your desktop and locate IP address using “ipconfig”

On Server export DISPLAY=<IP Address>:0.0  and start “runInstaller”

You will see Oracle Installer window like below. If there are errors returned at telnet console , fix them before you proceed.

If your OS is running a cluster file system then Oracle will prompt for a clustered node install

Wait until “Agent Configuration Assistant” return a SUCCESS

Run “emctl status agent” and make sure last line says “Agent is Running and Ready”

Login at grid control and click on “hosts” tab. Here I could locate my new host

Click on Targets to see list of databases at new Host

Another click at “Databases” should show number of active Oracle Instances at Node

See number displayed against “Targets Not Configured” . You will need to configure DBSNMP oracle user for Grid monitoring.

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