Jython Scripts for Websphere Administration

Posted By Sagar Patil

Download them from  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/samples/SampleScripts.html

ex1.py  - Create and modify a server, load an application onto the server, and start the server.
ex2.py  - Reverse of ex1.p1 Stop a server on a given node, uninstalls the given application, and removes the server from the configuration.
ex3.py  - Creates a cluster and starts the server
ex4.py  - Demonstrate the invocation of some useful problem
determination actions involving traces and thread dumps.
ex5.py  - Demonstrate the invocation of various application install commands.
ex6.py  - Produce a short summary of some configuration and runtime information about the WebSphere installation.
ex7.py  - Create a JDBCProvider object using a template.
ex8.py  - Demonstrate J2C Security configuration, including the installation of a J2CResourceAdapter and creation of a J2CConnectionFactory.
ex9.py  - Demonstrate the creation of a JDBCProvider, DataSource and CMPConnectorFactory objects
ex10.py – Demonstrate the creation and use of a variable that is used in the creation of a URLProvider object.
ex11.py – Demonstrate the setting of various port numbers
ex12.py – Demonstrate methods for updating configuration attributes that are lists

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