Posted By Sagar Patil

Delete all Errors from replication sites
Check if there are any errors "select * from deferror;"

select sname, master, status from sys.dba_repcat; - make sure the status is not QUISCED
select id, TIMESTAMP, Master Status from dba_repcatlog

Now if there are any values returned then use following API and replace ID in parameter with values returned above.
repA> exec dbms_repcat.purge_master_log(&ID,’repa’,'scott_repg’);
repB> exec dbms_repcat.purge_master_log(&ID,’repa’,'scott_repg’);

Errors in administration tasks, such as adding groups, are found in DBA_REPCATLOG. This view also holds admin tasks that are still pending. For example:

FROM dba_repcatlog
WHERE status = ‘ERROR’

Once transactions are submitted, any errors are logged in the DEFERROR view. There is a procedure to reapply the error, DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE_ERROR. Or you can delete the error using DBMS_DEFER_SYS.DELETE_ERROR. As a last resort, you can remove errors by deleting entries from the table SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.

The EXECUTE_ERROR procedure forces execution of a transaction that originally failed , leaving a record in DEFERROR. You might call this procedure if you have repaired the error (for example, a conflict in the advanced replication option) and you now wish to re-attempt the transaction. If another error occurs during EXECUTE_ERROR, the attempt is aborted and the last error encountered is returned as an exception. Upon successful completion, the procedure deletes the entries from the DEFERROR data dictionary view. If the original call has been applied to all other destinations, then the procedure also removes the entries from DEFCALL and DEFTRAN.

As with the DELETE_ERROR and DELETE_TRAN procedures, you may pass NULLs to indicate wildcards.

deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
destination IN VARCHAR2)

The ID number from the DefError view of the deferred transaction that you want to re-execute. If this parameter is null, all transactions queued for DESTINATION that originated from the DEFERRED_TRAN_DB are re-executed.

The fully qualified database name from the DefError view of the database to which the transaction was originally queued. This parameter must not be null.

Note the following restrictions on calling EXECUTE_ERROR:
The destination parameter may not be NULL.
The deferred_tran_id and deferred_tran_db parameters must either both be NULL or both be NOT NULL. If they are NULL, all transactions in DEFERROR destined for destination are applied.

To delete a transaction from the DefError view . If there are not other DefTranDest or DefError entries for the transaction, the transaction is deleted from the DefTran and DefCall views as well.

deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
destination IN VARCHAR2)

The ID number from the DefError view of the deferred transaction that you want to remove from the DefError view. If this parameter is null, all transaction meeting the requirements of the other parameters are removed.

The fully qualified database name from the DefError view of the database to which the transaction was originally queued. If this parameter is null, all transactions meeting the requirements of the other parameters are removed from the DefError view.

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