Oracle HRMS Overview : Concepts

Posted By Sagar Patil

Product Overview
Oracle Applications for Human Resources enable an organization to hire, train, and deploy, assess, motivate and reward its people more effectively than ever before, turning HR into a strategic-level function and key contributor to an organization’s success. By automating its administrative duties, providing self-service for non-HR professionals, and managing information more efficiently, HR professionals can devote their energy and creativity to delivering the maximum value for the organization’s investment in people.

The Oracle HRMS application modules include:
Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Payroll, Oracle Training Administration, and Oracle Time Management.

Delivering Integrated HRMS Functionality
The Oracle HRMS applications are part of the integrated, enterprise-wide solution Oracle ebusiness Suite for information management that includes software for managing finance, sales and marketing, the supply chain and manufacturing. The HRMS software, for example, is linked to the financial applications to streamline such processes as employee compensation and managing training costs and expenditures.
All the Oracle HRMS applications use the Oracle database as their single source of information, which eliminates data redundancy, reduces the possibility of conflicting data in different databases, and creates a consistent, complete, reliable picture of every employee.
All the Oracle HRMS applications offer a sophisticated, easy-to-use graphical user interface to give users fast, easy access to all HR data. The intuitive windowing, mouse actions, icons, and built-in drill downs allow transactions and inquiries to flow naturally and quickly. Everyone involved in managing a workforce benefits from easy access to the information needed to make timely and informed decisions.

Oracle Human Resources – Oracle Human Resources is a proactive management solution that helps control costs while developing and supporting an effective workforce for the enterprise. Oracle HR can be configured to match the organization’s business objectives and processes and be automated to complete a variety of tasks including: organization and position control, recruitment processing, employee profiling,
career development and the management of compensation and benefit policies.
Implementing these practices can help turn HR departments into a strategic function that is highly valued within the enterprise.

Oracle Training Administration – Oracle Training Administration ensures that the organization improves the abilities of its employees or external students to meet current and future objectives in a cost-effective and targeted way. The module allows organizations to manage any event-based development activities which improve skills, such as remote site learning, work experience, formal class tuition, external seminars and conferences. Training events can be scheduled and tracked based on many combinations of criteria. In addition, enrollment information can be extensively tracked so that student competencies are available for career planning as well as candidate placements, performance appraisals, and other activities. Oracle Training Administration is fully integrated with Oracle Human Resources and the Oracle Financials applications to enable organizations to harness training delivery to the skill requirements of jobs and positions.

Oracle Payroll – Oracle Payroll is a high-performance, graphical, rules-based payroll management system designed to keep pace with the changing needs of the enterprise and its workforce. Each company’s unique payroll requirements demand the ability to configure its payroll solution without losing the benefits of a standard, supported package.
Oracle Payroll offers that capability via a unique, data-driven approach that enables organizations to define and manage its diverse payroll requirements.

Oracle Time Management – Time collection and processing is a complex and time consuming task that must be 100 percent accurate to generate a correct paycheck. Automated, accurate time management can benefit other functions within an organization. Oracle Time Management enables organizations to manage complex pay structures, track total hours worked, job classifications, vacation time, and a range of company and union pay organization.
Ot provides an automated and/or manual time collection interface that directly accepts, consolidates, and processes employee time against employer-specific parameters and legal requirements ("organization. Ot permits an employer to monitor any violation of its rules and take appropriate steps to resolve the problem prior to incurring further inefficiencies and/or the production of an inaccurate organization. On addition, earning policies can be created that apply to
groups of people such as union workers, temps, full-time and part-time organization.
Oracle Time Management ensures that the correct number of time entries and hours are received from remote locations, which in turn produces a valuable analysis of employee productivity.

The Oracle Advantages
Each module is designed to deliver key benefits that reflect the most current thinking in the HR field.

Best Practice in HR Management – The HRMS modules cover all the functions an HR department performs to enable more efficient management of HR procedures, saving time and decreasing organization. Ohe applications are structured around proven procedures, yet allow organizations to make modifications to suit its unique organization. This flexibility is vital to effectively manage the HR function, enabling organizations to choose best practices as it sees fit, without having them imposed on its existing HR procedures.

Rapid Business Policy Adoption – The Oracle HRMS applications make it easy for organizations to change HR practices to reflect changes in business policy, regulations, and organization. Ohanges can be implemented through the rules-based payroll engine, business events defined with workflow functions, and flexibility of data access and data entry is ensured for increased organization. Configuration puts real choice in the hands of the day-to-day user by enabling them to make changes quickly and implement them immediately.

Direct Access – Oracle understands both the HR function and the possibilities of the organization. Oirect access is about providing a low-cost, convenient solution to multiple audiences within the organization on demand; this greatly improves the service the HR department provides and frees them up to deliver strategic value to the organization.
Then employees themselves can conveniently access records to perform such tasks as updating personal information or completing self-assessment forms, HR staff members have more time to devote to such tasks as strategic planning, defining core competencies, and creating more effective incentive organization. Complementing Oracle HRMS applications enables the HR staff to provide more autonomy to employees while retaining control over information and ensuring the organization complies with all organization. This process of "consultative HR" positions the HR department as an information provider and involves employees in planning and shaping their careers.

Competency-Based Skills Improvements – The applications take a competency-driven approach to managing human organization. Ohe Oracle HRMS system supplies individual knowledge and skills information to enable users to properly position employees within the organization, with a close fit between an employee’s competencies and the requirements of a organization. Oy providing a framework for the HR department to hire, train, and compensate employees based on compe
tency and performance, Oracle HRMS applications improve the capacity of the HR group to help meet enterprise goals.

Global Reach on a Global Foundation – Oracle recognizes the importance of building multinational capabilities into business-critical organization. Oesigned from the start with a global perspective, Oracle HRMS software is localized to the currency structure, taxation policies, and reporting conventions of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and parts of organization. Oracle works with local employees and partners to ensure the HRMS applications accurately reflect not only the legislative requirements of each country, but also the HR processes commonly practiced, different methods of inputting and using data, language differences, different policy rules, and cultural differences.

Rapid Response to Industry Trends – The Oracle HRMS applications offer unparalleled flexibility, which derives from the structure of the organization. Each module consists of a set of "core" functions, which are used by the majority of HR departments, regardless of their organization or organization. Oround that core, Oracle adds a layer of other functions, which allows for a rapid response to industry trends that affect any or all organization. Ohe result is that all users benefit from powerful core functionality and users in specific industries benefit, such as the government sector,from custom enhancements.

Unique Features and Benefits
Easy-to-use Configuration Options — There are many configuration options to tailor the features and functions of the organization. Oonfigurations are easy to perform via a Forms interface; they are fully supported by Oracle, preserved when upgraded, and date-effective so they can be changed as needs change.
Configuration options allow users to specify access to forms, define security
functions that control information available to different users, create menus that facilitate user navigation, and create forms that display data on groups of people, assignments or events in easily updated lists, among other choices.
Web applications can be configured directly for display on Web screens.
Web-based Administrative Automation — By increasing self-sufficiency and empowering employees to manage personal HR information, Oracle’s Web-based applications benefit organizations in a variety of ways, including: automating business rules and policies, reducing errors, minimizing paper handling, reducing administrative costs, eliminating bottlenecks, and adding convenience for organization. Ohe cumulative effect of these benefits is to greatly reduce the time the HR organization spends on administrative tasks and enable it to operate in a strategic capacity. Effective Training To Meet Corporate Goals — Once the organization defines its goals and the core competencies required to meet them, Oracle Applications enable HR departments to hire employees with the right competencies and train existing employees so that their skills remain aligned with the organization’s organization. Applying this approach in a consistent, systematic way across the enterprise–for appraisals, assessment, recording accomplishments, and other activities–results in a workforce equipped with the skills and knowledge to give the organization a competitive advantage.

The Best Global Solution — Multilingual capabilities enable applications to communicate in one language while generating documents in organization. This capability enables organizations to quickly convert and consolidate records from worldwide organization. Omong the software’s key global features are: multi-currency; multilingual; multiple address styles for any country for any person, no matter what their country of employment; multiple legislations on the same database, so that a U.S. and a U.K. organization may both be represented, with their appropriate legislative, cultural, and functional rules; structures common among countries are stored in the core HRMS software to facilitate global inquiry and reporting; ability to create global views of data across business groups which represent different legislations.
Oracle Applications is the leading provider of packaged client/server solutions for the enterprise. In an extremely competitive marketplace, Oracle Applications "best in class" differentiation is achieved through several strong technology advantages:
Oracle’s core technology stack, comprising enterprise-caliber database server
software, development tools and packaged applications; customized critical applications solutions; and, the delivery of total solutions which leverage Oracle’s Web-enablement, online analytical processing (OLAP), and modular, "rapid solutions assembly" technologies.
By providing customers with assurance, accountability and flexible end-to-end solutions, Oracle Applications is establishing new standards for excellence in enterprise applications and extending its leadership in the applications arena.

For more information about Oracle and its HRMS Applications:…ces/intro.html

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